Psychology Services for Post Secondary Students


At Compass Psychology, we offer comprehensive assessment services for post-secondary students in Calgary. These assessments can be beneficial for aiding students’ academic and social success. Teens who have already been identified as having learning differences may benefit from an updated assessment upon entering post-secondary. Some students have not had a formal diagnosis of a disability, but enter post-secondary and realize they are struggling to keep up. An assessment can help clarify a student’s strengths and challenges. Based on assessment results, recommendations are made to support academic and social success. With a formal diagnosis of a disability, a post-secondary student may be eligible for supports and accommodations at school.

Learning (Psychoeducational assessment) (approximately 10-12 billable hours)
Learning assessments help post-secondary students identify why they may have difficulty learning, remembering, and/or retaining information. If a student has challenges with reading, writing and/or math and does not know why, assessing for a possible learning disability may be helpful in determining the root of the problem. Learning assessments for post-secondary students can help improve self-awareness about their unique learning needs and may grant them access to accommodations and supports at college, university, or technical school.

What is included:
• Initial interview
• Review of school records/documents
• Completion of questionnaires and rating scales Intelligence testing
• Academic testing
• Additional testing to explore information processing challenges
• Scoring and interpretation of tests
• Comprehensive report and feedback meeting to discuss results and recommendations

ADHD (approximately 6-8 billable hours)
An assessment for ADHD may be appropriate if a post-secondary student has ongoing difficulties with meeting their potential due to challenges with focus, concentration, planning, organization, time management, impulsive behavior and/or physical restlessness. Students may benefit from an ADHD assessment if they find they never have enough time to complete their to-do lists, often run late, are forgetful, have difficulty sticking with important tedious/boring tasks, and/or struggle with managing money and strong emotions. ADHD assessments for students can help improve self-awareness about their attention challenges and may grant them access to accommodations and supports at college, university, and technical school.

What is included:
• Initial interview
• Review of school records/documents
• Completion of questionnaires and rating scales
• Scoring and interpretation of questionnaires and rating scales
• Comprehensive diagnostic interview
• Report and feedback meeting to discuss results and recommendations

Autism (approximately 8-10 billable hours)
An assessment for Autism may be beneficial when an individual struggles to interact with others appropriately, has black and white/inflexible thinking patterns, sensory sensitivities, and/or strong and unique interests. Post-secondary students who have these challenges may benefit from an autism assessment to gain self-awareness and learn strategies for navigating the social world. Students with a formal diagnosis of autism may be eligible for accommodations and supports at college, university, and technical school.

What is included:
• Initial interview
• Review of school records/documents
• Completion of questionnaires and rating scales
• Comprehensive diagnostic interviews with the client and family members
• Scoring and interpretation of questionnaires and rating scales
• Comprehensive report and feedback meeting to discuss results and recommendations